
The Lost Kids

Mga Batang X
Mga nawawalang anak ng dekada nobenta. Waddup. Check out my elephant pants and 5110!
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Whatever Wednesdays: Dancing Capsule  

The sick Batang X here!
I was about to drink my medicine when a blog post popped in my head! (Geez, I get my blog inspiration from random things these days (e.g. pink sky). It gets so boring here at home. :/)

Moving on... I got my inspiration from my medicines and then I thought ooooffffff...!

*drum roll please*

Dancing Capsules!

Do you remember these?

Well, of course, not THAT dancing capsule. Haha. (Although it would be cool to see these techno babies in my pocket, wiggling away~)

I meant THESE:

I was looking for possible youtube videos, but seeing that these groovy capsules are now a dead fad...there were no videos. :(

I remember buying them for 5 pesos a piece at the store in front of our school and just placing them on my palm, tilting my hand from side to side, watching it with awe as it "danced". It helped me get past the boring lectures in school. (Although these little critters were prone to being confiscated. :/)

Of course, now I know it's caused by the pull of the magnetic force of the magnet inside of it.

But my mind wasn't that corrupted yet by my education! (hah.) So, the kid me in the 90s was amazed about how this tiny thing jiggled.

(Ang babaw ko pala na bata. Haha.)

I bought every available color I could find! My favorite was the purple + green combination.

But now, I find it funny. It heavily reminds me of Immodium. :/

Dancing Capsule =/= Stomach pains.

Ok. I digress.

So yeah. Dancing capsules. My parents were so worried I'd accidentally swallow one or that I'd leave them lying around and people would mistake them for real medicines.

In my head, I was like oooh, I should keep them somewhere safe.

Today, I can't believe I found sane reason in their sermon! Who, in the right mind, would drink meds not safely packaged? :/

Although, I would like to mention I had an experience of getting one dancing capsule wet and I touched it, and, don't judge me, I tasted my finger. It tastes like rubber crappy poison. HAHA. Meh. I was a kid. I try stupid things. (I still do, though. So am I still a kid? :/)

Anyway! If you've experienced fiddling with these awesome dancing capsules, then good job you! If you haven't, LOSER. YOU'VE TOTALLY MISSED HALF OF YOUR LIFE!

(or maybe you weren't born yet and you just managed to stumble upon this blog. boo. you're young. i envy you. but then again, your capsules don't dance! TAKE THAT!)


My medicines are so boring.

I wish they danced. :/

What next?

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