
The Lost Kids

Mga Batang X
Mga nawawalang anak ng dekada nobenta. Waddup. Check out my elephant pants and 5110!
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Music Mondays: Nervous  

I bet even once in your life you've sang your lungs out to this song.

So here's a video of such a wonderful 90s song. (No sarcasm intended.) Mostly heard from the blaring speakers jeepney drivers or the group of yayas huddled around a radio, making chika.

Haha. If you were a street kid in the 90s, (and hindi ka overprotected), chances are, you've come across this song. :)

Karaoke, anyone?

Di makatulog sa gabi sa kaiisip...

Kaba by Tootsie Guevara.


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